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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become necessary to implement expectations for social distancing in order to be able to reopen the 2020 Texas ASA Qualifier season.  These guidelines must be followed by both the shooters and the club to ensure the safety of the shooters while participating in the remainder of the Texas ASA Season.  Development of these guidelines was done based on the guidance from the Texas Department of State Health Services in accordance with Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18 as well as with input from a Texas ASA Advisory Committee.

We understand that these regulations are inconvenient, however, please note that they are necessary to reopen the season.  As circumstances surrounding COVID-19 relax, we will modify the expectations.  

From the Texas Department of State Health Services: “As outlined in Governor Abbott’s executive order, GA-19, individuals may engage in outdoor sports provided that the sports do not include contact with other participants, and no more than four participants play the sport at any time.”  

Health protocols for outdoor sports participants:

Self-screen before playing in an outdoor sport for any of the following, new or worsening signs or symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Chills

  • Repeated shaking with chills

  • Muscle pain

  • Headache

  • Sore throat

  • Loss of taste or smell

  • Diarrhea

  • Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.00 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19.  

If a shooter is currently experiencing or has experienced any of these symptoms within the past 72 hours, then he or she should NOT participate in the tournament.

In order to host a qualifier, clubs must do the following:

  • Seek and confirm approval from city and/or county officials.  Be sure to explain to officials that there will be shooters from outside the city/county who will be attending the event.

  • Use tee-time procedure outlined.

  • Have range officials on the range at all times to ensure that proper social-distancing is in place.  If a range official notes that social distancing expectations are not being followed (with the exception of family groups living in the same home) the range official agrees to warn the group and potentially ask the group to leave if there are repeated issues.

  • Provide bottled water on the range rather than water jugs.  It is preferred that an individual hand water to shooters rather than having multiple shooters access coolers.  This will reduce the amount of contact with coolers.

  • Provide hand-sanitizer at each porta-can on the range.

  • Clubs setting more than one range should contact Brad Timmerman for additional assistance.

Tee-Time Procedure

  • Registration for Tee-Times will be offered starting the Monday before each Qualifier event.  Shooters must call the designated club contact found on the website to register for Tee-Time.

  • Each shooter must sign a verification that he or she has completed self-screening (mentioned on previous page) and meets the expectations.

  • Each shooter or group of shooters will call a designated club contact to request a tee time.  

  • There should be no concessions/food trucks on the range or at the common area.  Clubs may elect to sell snacks while taking water around. When advertising the shoot, clubs should encourage shooters to bring their own drinks to the extent possible.

  • Tee-times will be available in 15-minute intervals.  Tee-times for Traditional shooters will be from 7:00AM until 7:45AM.  Tee-times for compound shooters will begin at 8AM and end at 1:45PM.

  • If shooters arrive early for their tee-times, they should maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet or remain in their vehicle until their designated tee time.

  • Groups will be no larger than 4 shooters, but at least have 3 shooters per group

  • Spectators are not allowed unless in the case of a parent walking with a youth shooter. Only one parent per youth shooter.

  • If a shooter has not called to pre-arrange a tee-time then he or she will be added to the next available group.   Groups may not exceed 4 shooters.

  • Practice range will open at 7AM.  Shooters should maintain 6-feet of separation at all times on the practice range with the exception of family members residing in the same home.

  • Shooters should arrive no more than 30-minutes before their scheduled tee-time.  Registration and warm-up should happen during this time. This will allow a maximum of 8 shooters at the practice range.

  • Shooters agree to start on target 1 and end at target 30.  Additionally, shooters agree to shoot all targets in numerical order and not skip other groups.  Shooters agree to leave one target blank between themselves and the group ahead of them.

  • Each shooter must pull his or her own arrows after they are scored.  Shooters should avoid touching the target with their bare-hands as much as possible.  Shooters should use their hip or knee to brace the target when pulling arrows.

  • There will be no award ceremony on Sunday.  All awards will be mailed to shooters.

  • All shooters must maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet at all times with the exception of family members residing in the same home.

  • Scorecards should be turned in at the end of the round (after target 30) in a drop box.  Shooters should then exit the facility.

  • Shooters must turn in scorecards within 5 hours.

Note: An optional Tee Time can be offered for Friday as well.  This will be up to the club and needs to be communicated to Brad or Terra 10 days before the shoot.  Realize that a 2PM Tee-Time is about the latest you can run to allow shooters to shoot the course before it starts to get dark.  

All clubs must realize that if they are checked by local officials that their shoot could be shut down due to not conforming to social distancing practices.  It only takes one person to complain and shut everything down.

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